The EXPERIMENTDAYS are a platform for cooperative housing projects, ideas and actors of creative sustainability in order to understand the city as a designed living space. Since 2003, the EXPERIMENTDAYS has offered the possibility to learn about different kinds of self-organized housing, find other supporters and to think about the future of urban development.
The EXPERIMENTDAYS 17 are organized by id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability. id22 is a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization based in the urban lab we know as Berlin. A focus is on the theory and practice of creative sustainability, emphasizing self-organization and local urban initiatives. The Institute coordinates educational services, networking events and publications exploring CoHousing and related projects like CoWorking and community gardening in the context of a post-growth, democratic urban development.
For the October, 2017 edition, id22 and urbaMonde with the Stiftung trias are organizing the European Collaborative Housing Hub and Award, inviting a wide range of actors and initiatives from the field of collaborative housing across Europe to share experiences and strengthen the movement.
urbaMonde is a Swiss and French non-profit organization with the mission to support sustainable cities built “by and for their inhabitants”. Locally, urbaMonde strengthens the cooperative and collaborative housing movement in Switzerland and France; internationally, the organization accompanies vulnerable inhabitant groups and their federations in the implementation of innovative and sustainable habitat projects. urbaMonde also facilitates the Social Production of Habitat Platform, gathering some of the major federations and networks active in the field of community-driven habitat (Slum dwellers International, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, Grounded Solutions Network, Co-operative Housing International, Habitat International Coalition and Building and Social Housing Foundation).