October 7, Saturday / @CRCLR (Circular Economy House), VOLLGUT Berlin / free entrance
NOTE: Registration for Workshops starts on Friday, October 6 at 5.00 pm. Registration is also possible on Saturday, October 7 at 10.00 am, but the number of seats is limited.
10.30 am
Projects: Go East! – Emerging Collaborative Housing Approaches in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
with Boris Hrban (Bratislava, Slovakia), Krystyna Szurmanska (Habitat for
Humanity Poland), Klemen Ploštajner (Zadrugator – Ljubljana, Slovenia), Zsuzsi
Posfai (Rakoczi Kollektiva – Budapest, Hungary), Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen
(Who Builds the City/Smarter Building – Belgrade, Serbia), Goran Jeras (Ebanka)
Moderator: Marina Yoveva (Habitat for Humanity Europe, Middle East and
Perspectives: Is CoHousing for Life?
with Melissa Fernandez (University of Lancaster), Jim Hudson (UCL), Darinka Czischke (TU Delft), Helen Jarvis (University of Newcastle), Karen West (Aston University), Andrea Jones (Good Health Projects Ltd. and Brighton & Hove)
Strategies: The Instruments and Politics of the Commons
We agree with the commons as a mutual aim. What are the instruments in our countries and what are the modalities to use them in different socio-economic contexts? What could be the political perspective to achieve results in “common projects”?
with Rolf Novy-Huy (Stiftung trias), Daniela Patti and Levente Polyak (Eutropian/Cooperative City)
Advocacy & Policy: New Berlin City Makers’ Network – Netzwerk gemeinwohlorientierter Stadtproduzenten
This new Berlin network of City Makers brings together projects, initiatives,
experts and activists, emphasizing strategies of Co-Production and solidarity,
an accessible and affordable city and non-speculative, common good land and
real estate practices. Self-organized CoHousing, community gardening and
cultural projects support each other in communicating with both politicians
and public. This network importantly supports the next generation of projects.
12.15 pm
Projects: CoHousing, CoWorking + Circular Economy. Building, Neighborhood, City
with CRCLR House, Silvia Carpaneto (Alltag, Vollgut), Nanni Grau (Hütten und Paläste Architekten), Ella Dodson (Technical University, Berlin), Michael LaFond (id22)
Perspectives: Who cares? Rethinking Sharing and Caring in Collaborative Housing from a Gender Perspective
with Lidewij Tummers (TU Delft), Melissa Fernandez (University of Lancaster)
Strategies: International European Comparison of Policy and Success Strategies
with Josef Bura (Forum Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen – FGW), wohnbund, Rolf Novy-Huy (Stiftung trias)
Advocacy & Policy: A Seat at the Table – The Importance of Community Led Housing Activists and Practitioners Engaging with Policy.
with Leslie Barson & Deirdre Woods (London Community Neighbourhood Cooperative), European Action Coalition for Housing Rights, Habitat International Coalition, Mietshäuser Syndikat (TBC) and others.
2.45 pm
European Networks, International and National Organizations
with urbego, Eutropian, Immovielien Netzwerk (Germany), Forum Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen e.V. (Germany), Building and Social Housing Foundation (UK), HousingLab (Italy), Fondazione Housing Sociale (Italy), Habitat International Coalition, Habitat for Humanity.
3:30 pm
Projects: CoHousing and Communities: Mobilising Resources Locally and Internationally
with Claudia Thiesen (Mehr als Wohnen – Zurich), Justyna Piruta (Ulldecona – Barcelona), Samuel Kalika (Critical Concrete / Actors of Urban Change – Porto)
Moderators: Daniela Patti and Levente Polyak (Eutropian)
Perspectives: (CO)Housing 2080: The Far Future Game
This workshop offers participants an enjoyable method of future thinking and
prototyping of collaborative housing visions.
with Futurium, Michael LaFond (id22), Rolf Novy-Huy (Stiftung trias)
Strategies: Building Spaces Beyond Speculative Urban Development
with Pablo Caballero (Uruguayan Federation of Housing Cooperatives – Fucvam), Pete Kirkham (French Federation of Housing Cooperatives Habicoop), Adria Garcia i Mateu (La Borda Housing Cooperative – Barcelona)
Moderator: Melissa Fernandez (University of Lancaster)
Advocacy & Policy: Preconditions for Diversity and Inclusion in CoHousing Projects
with Christiane Droste & Thomas Knorr-Siedow (UrbanPlus), Ulrich Kriese (Stiftung Edith Maryon), Florian Schmidt (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)