Begrünte Gebäude eignen sich zum Anbau von Nahrungsmittel, bieten Erholung und filtern Säuren, Schwermetalle und andere Schadstoffe aus der Atmosphäre. Zusammen werden wir das Potential Gebäudegebundener Landwirtschaft und verschiedene Aspekte ihrer Integration in Bestands- und Neubauten diskutieren. Die Kunstinstallation Oxid Bungalow kann vor Ort erkundet werden, um die materiellen und immateriellen Aspekte der Sanierung mit Pflanzen und Boden zu erfahren. In deutscher und englischer Sprache.
Axel Dierich, inter 3
Axel Dierich, a political scientist, has studied at the Universities of Hamburg, Lyon 3 and Potsdam. With supplemental studies of urban and regional planning he has specific expertise in development processes of city infrastructures. Since 2007, he works at inter 3 Institute for Resource Management as an expert for urban food production and resource recycling. He specialized in building-integrated farming from a socio-economic as well as technological perspective.
Pia Lindman, Aalto University
Currently Professor of Environmental Art at Aalto University (Finland) the Finnish-born Pia Lindman, as a Fulbright Scholar in 1999, received her second master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. Lindman’s performance-based work suggests new ways of combining research and art. As Fellow and artist-in-residence at M.I.T. (2004 – 2006) she studied humanoid robots and facial expressions (both robotic and human). After ten years of residing in New York, and professorships at both Yale University School of Art and M.I.T., she now lives and works in Berlin, Germany, and a collective eco-village in Fagervik, Finland. In Fagervik, she is building her new studio/home with straw bales and clay.
Svea Heinemann, studio kiosk
Svea Heinemann is a Berlin-based architect seeking out new ways to activate underutilized spaces. With Landscape Choreography she is working on combined urban gardening and performing arts projects in Cottbus/Germany and Cluj/Romania. She studied architecture in Berlin and Prague and holds a master’s degree in history, theory and criticism of architecture from M.I.T..